Thu 26th May - Sun 29th May, 2022

Borrowdale Classic Cragging Weekend


Finally a report!


A superb weekend, with great conditions and equally great company.


Thursday saw the early bird arrivals, Dave W and Mich H, keen to get a climb in before dark, head up to Black Crag with Troutdale pinnacle in their sights. With the first classic in the bag, just before sunset, they headed to The Salving House, seeking out other KMC members. Stevie G rolled up before too long and a devious plan was hatched for a Gillercombe Buttress link up the following day.

First light and the tro set off for Seathaite, with the aim of climbing on the lower buttresses to reach the base of Gillercombe. The grand plan soon fell apart, when we realised we had overshot the lower slabs. A mission to back track to reach them was soon ditched, due to effort to reward ratio and Stevie suffering a major injury. Sticky plaster in place, the upper slabs were reached, climbed and the start of Gillercombe Buttress sighted. The brief spell of drizzle put Dave off, but Stevie and Mich put on a brave face to reach the top. Having not quite had enough of a good thing, they dropped down after toping out to climb Gabbro, on the left face. A celebratory summit of Great gable followed before dropping back down and heading to the pub…bringing FRCC member, George Harrison (not the Beatle) with us. The illusive Nick G found us in the pub and shared his day's solo adventuring story, around Black Moss Pot and Cam Crag scramble, having failed to find us earlier. He then unfortunately had to leave almost as soon as we’d found him. Gareth W joined us for last orders then Holly W and Danny A welcomed us back at the hut upon our return. More plans were hatched for an early start the following morning.

Holly and Danny made a visit to black Crag to give Troutdale Pinncale another ascent, along with The Shroud. Dave made a solo stumble upwards via Tongue Gill, through the old Rigghead Quarries, to spy on Dan and Holly climbing Troutdale Pinnacle from across the valley, before going over to Maiden Moor and heading back to the hut along the bottom of the valley.

Gareth and Mich (having elbowed Stu out as Gareth’s climbing partner and ditching Stevie) galloped to Gable crag to climb Engineers Buttress, with a highly sketchy Sledgate route approach, which was thoroughly enjoyable with a bonus entertaining link up scramble decent done by Garth in crocks. Meanwhile, Stu was left to enjoy Trod Tethera and Trod Pimp on Glaciated slabs and Midge ridge on Raven crag with Stevie.  The pub beckoned the disparate KMC to regroup and share their adventures. Catherine and Marcus had found the pub too, having micro nav’d their way there from around Rostwaithe fell. Back at the hut a merry party was made of KMC and FRCC members around a wonderful fire.

A somewhat relaxed start on Suday saw Dan, Holly and Dave go up to Glaciated Slab. Holly made more excellent leads of Trod Tan and Trod Lethera while Dave led Trod Pimp. Dan busied himself soloing every route on the crag with Trod Pip getting extra mileage. Stu, Gareth and Mich went to a busy Shepheard’s Crag and eventually managed to climb Ardus as a three. Then, with Stu gallantly keeping watch in a tree, Gareth and Mich climbed Adam.


Thanks all for a great weekend!






Meet Promo:

Weekend meet 26th-29th May 2022

A Lakes classic cragging weekend, staying at the lovely FRCC Salving House hut in Barrowdale. There is no shortage of crags in the area, fine classic crags, such as Shepherds Crag, Black Crag, Eagle Crag and Gillercombe Buttress, and if you get all climbed out, walking from the hut can take you to The Scafells, Great Gable, Dale Head, Glaramara and many more. 


Please note, the hut is running at reduced capacity, and with no camping on the grounds, places are limited, so better book early to avoid disappointment! The meet is open to all members and prospectives. The hut fee is £27 for the three nights/£9 per night. Payment confirms booking. I'll send details for payment. Come bag some classic rock!


If there is interest to stay longer, I would be happy to extend the meet for another few days. 




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Karabiner Mountaineering Club