Wed 23rd Jun, 2021

Evening Meet: Lawrencefield

Lawrencefield Midweek

Members: Andy Stratford, Jim Symon, Gareth Williams, Andy Pierce

Prospective Members: Rory Marsden, Steve Torley, Jacob Torley

Jim led Tyrone VS 4c, Nova HS 4b, Nailsbane HVD and the top pitch of Great Harry VS 4c after Rory had wilted his forearms on the strenuous first pitch!

Andy led Gingerbread VS 4b, Meringue HVS 5a, Branching Off (Three tree climb variation) HS 4c, and followed Jim on Nova and Tyrone. Gingerbread is an interesting one – relatively easy climbing but just two bits of gear which might just stop you hitting the ground. Meringue, it’s harder next door neighbour is actually much better protected with a decent selection of small cams, although the start is very polished as Steve Torley will attest! Jacob made short work of Branching off, speeding up after Andy, however the technical start proved too much for Steve, who handed over the rope to Gareth after a series of valiant attempts.

Rory followed Nova, Meringue and led Snail Crack and P1 of Great Harry, with arms seriously wilted after the major corner crack, Jim was called on to complete P2!

Gareth led Great Harry and followed Andy P on Delectable Direct E1 5c

Andy P solo’d a progressively more serious set of cakes - Gingerbread, Meringue and Éclair!

A great evening, excellent company….. and very few midges as a bonus – which is not always the case at Lawrencefield.

Andy S

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