Fri 10th Jun - Sun 12th Jun, 2016
Ty Powdwr - Working Meet
Happy workers: John Castick, Ian McCallum, Christine Beeston, Dave Wylie, Andy Stratford, John Evans, Fiona Dixon, Ian Crook, Emily Hully, Oi Ding Koy, Lester Payne.
Also present (contributing to hut accounts!): Meirion Tanner and Friend.
A productive working party with plenty of willing hands!
John and Fiona led the way for new associate members, by coming to a working party as soon as they became members – admirable example! John turned up early so we all arrived to an immaculately strimmed track and area around the hut. Ian made us a lovely lunch, and morning/afternoon tea and biscuits, so the rest of the party could concentrate on scrubbing and fixing things. Andy did a trip to Bangor to fetch supplies to keep everyone busy.
We (Christine, John E, Ding and Lester) cleaned the ladies, the gents, the lounge (with some running repairs to cushions made by Emily) and hallway, the area by the sinks in the kitchen and the bottom left dorm (with change of pillow cases by Emily and her small helper).
Dave and Fiona installed some tie down straps for the gas shelter roof, Dave also completed plywood bezels to heating and ventilation ducts in Lower Left dorm, and John C commenced studding for the same purpose around the ducts in the kitchen. Andy and Ian insulated ventilation ducts in the loft space. In the kitchen, skirting was applied to the hob units and woodworm treatment applied. Lester put down some vermin poison, and wrote his meet report with absolutely no pressure whatsoever applied by the NL editor.
The noticeboard was tidied and updated with a new gas certificate and the floor plan of the hut, and the thermostat for hot water checked.
It’s a while since this working party and I may have forgotten a couple of names – please let me know if so - but I haven’t forgotten playing a really odd card game involving gnomes digging for gold on Saturday evening.
A productive and sociable meet, thanks to all who came and worked so hard!
Meet Promo:
All welcome for a jolly weekend of hut maintenance (hopefully with some free time on the Sunday after a productive day on Saturday). The meet leader will arrive Friday night.
There will be jobs for all – please let me know if you can come along and help to maintain our lovely hut!