Sun 13th Jul, 2014

Birchen Edge

Andy S

Members: Andy Stratford, Roger Dyke, Sheens Hendrie, Phillippa Maye, Jim Symon, Dave Wylie, Dan O'Brien, Oi Ding Koy,

Guests: Ben Slater and Dans Mate.


Despite 30 minutes of rain as Ding and I arrived at 10.15am, the crag was dy by 11am.

We started at Emmas Slab area and moved rightwards past the Captains Bunk, Porthle, Topsail, and Trafalger Wall.

A good variety of routes done.

Andy S

Meet Promo:

Last minute local meet.......

Meet from 10.30am Emma's Slab area.


Andy S

Sheena leading Emmas Delight HS 4b (Dave Wylie)
Philippa seconding Emmas Temptation HVD 4b (Dave Wylie)
Sheena leading Emmas Delight HS 4b (Dave Wylie)
Sheena seconding Top Sail VS 4c (Dave Wylie)
Philippa seconding Sail Chimney HVD 4a (Dave Wylie)

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