Sun 24th Nov, 2002

Mountain Biking, Holme Valley

Members: Margaret Baldock, Dave Dillon.

Guests: Gill Stephens.


Despite a bit of a low turn out, and visibility at times down to 20 metres, this was a most enjoyable day. The sun shone brightly as we approached the starting point but was hardly seen again until the last hour, though we might have overheated had it been otherwise. Gill's new bike soon became unrecognisable, covered in mud much to her delight. The Clothiers' Alms in Netherthong was most hospitable, providing a gigantic pot of tea, roast beef dinner for £2.50 and hammer to carry out urgent bicycle repairs. We were struck by the friendliness of everyone we met but suspect it was due to Gill's beaming smiles, undaunted by however steep was the next ascent. The afternoon featured an encounter with a hungry horse who took a fancy to the end of Gill's handlebar - spat it out after 5 minutes in a very mangled condition, peppermint tea and Eccles cakes, and a bumpy descent in the growing dusk down forest tracks at the end of which Dave was outnumbered in his uncharacteristic wish to take the most arduous route back. Instead we ambled gently back alongside the reservoirs, stopping for Dave to photograph the eery reflections in the fading light. Then a final slog up, up and up to the welcome sight of our cars.


Meet Promo:

A circular ride of about 15 miles via moors, tracks, villages, lanes and reservoirs with lots of ups and the odd down. Meet at the carpark (free) on the 107067 South side of Digley Reservoir (turn left up Fieldhead Lane as driving through Holme, if coming from the South), Grid ref 107067 Outdoor Leisure OS Map 1, to set off at 9.30am. Lunch stop at the Clothiers' Alms in Netherthong (friendly little pub serving food though limited menu). Phone me for more info or just turn up.

PS Bring a bike.


Still cycling when it was getting dark (Dave Dillon)
Cycling past a hungry horse (Dave Dillon)
Cycling on grass (Dave Dillon)
Cycling on a road (Dave Dillon)
Cycling over stones (Dave Dillon)
Cycling on water (Dave Dillon)

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