The team on Imbabura North Summit (4,480m) (Photo: Elisabeth Gschosser)  

KMC first ascent of the Basilica Tower, Quito (Andy Stratford)
Mich says choose life, choose CoCa leaves (Andy Stratford)
L to R - Harry, Greg, Emily, Steve, Mich, Stuart, Mark, Andy - acclimatisation walk, Laguna Cuicocha 3550m (Elisabeth Gschosser)
Laguna Cuicocha acclimbatisation walk (Mark Pilling)
Laguna Cuicocha acclimatisation walk to 3650m (Andy Stratford)
Zero zero zero. Stood on the Equator. (Andy Stratford)
Halo Harry (Mark Pilling)
Imbabura route (Mark Pilling)
Emily acclimatising on Imbabura (Andy Stratford)
Imbabura main summit (Mark Pilling)
Steve acclimatising on Imbabura (Andy Stratford)
The team on Imbabura North Summit (4,480m) (Elisabeth Gschosser)
Cotopaxi 5897m seen from Iliniza Sur 5264m summit at dawn (Andy Stratford)
Iliniza crater rim (Mark Pilling)
Ilinza journey (Mark Pilling)
Iliniza journey2 (Mark Pilling)
Iliniza Norte 5126m all members of the team summited. The route goes up the ridge from the right (Andy Stratford)
Stuart and Mich on the summit of Iliniza Norte 5124m (Andy Stratford)
Iliniza Sur from part way up Iliniza Norte on thurs 27th (Steve Graham)
Illiniza Sur 5264m Normal Route (AD) Topo line. (Andy Stratford)
The ramp (AD) on Iliniza Sur 5264 climbed by Andy and Steve friday 28th (Andy Stratford)
Looking down the line of volcanos from Iliniza Sur summit (Andy Stratford)
Steve and Andy Iliniza Sur summit with Cotopaxi in the background (Steve Graham)
Cayambe from hut (Mark Pilling)
Stu, Andy, Mark and Robinson in front of Glacier Hermoso at Cayambe (Andy Stratford)
Setting off at 11.30pm we climbed Cayambe mostly in the dark. Mich before it got REALLY cold! (Andy Stratford)
Cayambe crevasse (Mark Pilling)
Greg and Emily on Cayambe summit 5790m at 7am. 7 hrs to reach to summit. (Andy Stratford)
Day of the dead (Mark Pilling)
Ecuador (Mark Pilling)
Antisana exped camp (Mark Pilling)
Antisana - departure 11.15pm - summit 7.30am back down for 11am -  a tough schedule (Andy Stratford)
Antisana 11pm start (Mark Pilling)
Antisana midnight (Mark Pilling)
Antisana crampons on (Mark Pilling)
Antisana dawn (Mark Pilling)
Alpenglow at dawn on Antisana (Andy Stratford)
Antisana giant crevasses (Mark Pilling)
Antisana steepening (Mark Pilling)
Ivan, Mich and Stu on the summit plateau of Antisana 5705m, AD- (Andy Stratford)
Stevie on the summit of Antisana 5705m with the perfect cone of Cotopaxi 5895m left (Andy Stratford)
Antisana summit (Mark Pilling)
Cotopaxi puffing in the inversion - seen from Antisana (Mark Pilling)
Ecuadorian pole dancers (Harry Potts)

Ecuador - Glaciers and Volcano climbing

We had a fantastic couple of weeks from the 21st Oct to the 5th Nov, blessed by good weather and good luck.

Full report to follow in a future edition of the Newsletter

Team: Andy Stratford (trip leader), Mark Pilling (treasurer), Steve Graham, Stuart Hurworth, Emily Thompson, Greg Nunn, Michelle (Mich) Harrison, Harry Potts

Team member summits:

Imbabura (PD) 4680m: Tuesday 25th Oct - Andy, Stevie, Mark, Stuart, Mich, Emily, Greg and Harry

Iliniza Norte (PD-) 5126m: Thurs 27th Oct - Andy, Stevie, Mark, Stuart, Mich and Harry

Iliniza Norte (PD-) 5126m: Fri 28th Oct - Emily, Greg and Harry

Iliniza Sur (AD) 5263m: Fri 28th Oct - Andy and Steve

Cayambe (PD) 5790m:  Mon 31st Oct - Andy, Stevie, Mark, Stuart, Mich, Emily and Greg.  Harry to 5500m 

Pichincha Integrale (PD-) 4794m: Weds 2nd Nov - Traverse of several peaks incl Guagua 4794m, Padre 4685m and Rucu 4698m - Emily and Greg

Antisana (AD-) 5705m: Thurs 3rd Nov - Andy, Stevie, Mark, Stuart and Mich


Cotopaxi was off-limits due to gaseous emissions and eruption fears.

Andy Stratford
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