Summiting (Photo: Roger Dyke)  

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Urban Bouldering

From the Elephant to the Haystack

Present: Dave Dillon, Kimmie, Christine Beeston, Mark Ashley, Roger Dyke, Garry Thornhill, Dave Shotton, Trish Cranston, Kate Sparks, Al Metelko.


The boulder in Longford Park with a little imagination looks like an elephant and scattered around it are a number of mini-boulders which could be described as elephant poo. Having said that the small group got to work quite quickly knocking off a number of straight up problems and traverses before working the main problem of the day: Swiss Cheese. This involved going between the trunk and front legs (bridging seemed to work the best), then through the hole between head and trunk, traverse the side and through another hole and on down between front and hind legs (bridging) and then through the final hole leading to the top of the elephant. After a few hours it was off to Trish’s for afternoon tea and what a spread it was, thanks Trish.


Having recovered a little Dave, Dave, Kimmie, Mark, Trish and Al finished off what was left of our finger tips on the boulder in Victoria Park. This boulder is much smaller, shaped like a haystack and like any boulder in the peak you can make your problems as hard/easy/long as you like. Thanks to all who came on what was a perfect bouldering day.


PS – and there’s more, check out The Rhino at Hollywood Park and the Swinton Boulders, both on ukclimbing.

Al Metelko
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