John on Giants crawl (Photo: Virginia Castick)  

Midge doing what comes naturally in Blind Tarn (Virginia Castick)
Tranearth with Dow crag behind (Virginia Castick)
John relaxing after a hard day of no strimming (Virginia Castick)
Margaret hiding behind the stove (Virginia Castick)
John on Giants crawl (Virginia Castick)
Blind tarn in the sun (Virginia Castick)
'Spot the hut' (Virginia Castick)

Coniston Fells

Members: Frank & Margaret Williams, John & Virginia Castick, James & Kasia Hoyle, Lester Payne, Graham & Sue Harkness.

Guests: Mike Freeman, Des Chadderton, Geraldine de Silva, Christine Stark.


Many weeks of poor weather and above average rainfall across the Lake District finally gave way to a good spell of drier days during the previous week. With the chance of a fine weekend in prospect, Frank, Margaret, Lester, Graham and Sue, followed by James, Kasia, Geraldine and Christine, arrived, and after struggling with many heavily laden rucksacks sat down to a welcoming brew at Tranearth Hut.

On Saturday, early morning mist on the fells cleared away for a fine start to the day. Jon and Virginia arrived and everyone set out for the hills. James and Geraldine headed off to Dow Crag and 'C' buttress, whilst the rest of us walked up to Goats Tarn. John plodded more slowly and headed off towards Blind Tarn, Virginia squeezed into her wet-suit and waded in to swim the windswept length of Goat's Water. A cooling wind funnelled down from Goat's Hause, so after a brief rest and photo's, Sue, Virginia, Frank and Margaret turned and headed up over Dow Crag and Brown Pike.

Graham and Lester continued upwards to join the hordes on the summit of Coniston Old Man, enjoying the views over Coniston Water and the Southern Fells, before following the ridge to Brim Fell, then down to Levers Hause and up for further excellent views over the Duddon valley to Bow Fell, the Langdale Pikes and the sunlit panorama of the central fells. Then drawn on by a rapidly changing sky and chill breeze, we carried on to Black Sails and Wetherlam, and descended south down the ridge on the path down by Red Dell beck to Coniston Youth Hostel.

Meanwhile, Christine, Kasia, James and Geraldine teamed up with Mike, Des and Rachel for ascents of the 3 star classic "Giants Crawl", Des and Rachel making further ascents on 'A' buttress.

Lester and Graham continued past the now derelict mines and levels of the Coppermines valley and traversed round below Levers Water to the Walna Scar road. After detours on several less distinct paths, we battled with chest high bracken, barbed wire fences and rickety stone walls before crossing Torver Beck and back to Tranearth hut.

The centre of the lounge area is occupied by a large ancient iron stove, which having been lit and stoked by Virginia, sent John into a state of unconsciousness. Three LC&CC members arrived, having cycled over 90 miles from Wigan. The younger members went off to Coniston and Torver in the search for an uncrowded Pub and dinner.

Around 11pm, two LC&CC members arrived in pouring rain, having spent all afternoon and evening climbing 'C' buttress with their 7 year old daughter, and descending from the top of Dow Crag in darkness and gathering rain, lost the path, falling into several bogs. Unable to find the hut they walked via Walna Scar road to Coniston and eventually phoned for a Taxi back to Torver.

On Sunday, the rain had cleared up overnight and Des and Geraldine returned for some more traditional Dow Crag climbs including the 3 star "Murray's route", whilst John and Virginia completed the 3 star classic "Giants Crawl". James, Kasia and Christine walked over Coniston Old Man, Graham went in pursuit of further enlightenment and living in the moment at Coniston Priory. Frank, Margaret, Lester and Sue walked via Scarr Head exploring the paths and tracks around Torver Back Common, and through the woods to Coniston Water then a short section of the Cumbria Way path was followed along the waterside, returning to the hut via Torver Common and a pint in the Pub.

Many thanks to all who made the effort and enjoyed a great weekend on the hills.

Lester Payne
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