Remembering the Benefactor

By Jim Gregson

The July 2019 issue contains a short piece about Jim Widdicombe, who is listed in the KMC Handbook as a ‘Benefactor’. 

Years ago, in my conversations and interview with Founder member Len Stubbs, this cropped up. Len told me that although JW had never actually been a KMC member he knew several people who were, and associated with them. Apparently JW used to visit junk shops, second-hand stalls and the like and quite often obtained things like Primus stoves and other items likely to be useful to young climbers and he used to pass these on to some early KMC members for their use. Bear in mind that this was towards the end of World War 2 and just afterwards, when many things were either rationed or in very short supply - and early KMC folk were not very well-off as a rule, hence JW became known as a “Benefactor’ for this philanthropy. hence his name being listed.

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