More on Privacy

Who has access to this data?
All Members: FULL ACCESS TO their Personal Data, VIEW, if consent is given to, other Members Contact Details.
Secretary (Committee Member): Keep the Membership up to date on club matters by email, telephone, Newsletter, or post. Club emails should not be used for marketing purposes.
Treasurer (Committee Member): Accounting purposes including sending out Subscription Reminders.
Meets Secretary (Committee Member): Create meets and allocating them to members from the list of current members.
Newsletter Editor (Committee Member): To allow newsletters to be sent by post/email to members.
Handbook Editor: To create the annual handbook.
HMG: Management of hut keys to members.

Where has the data come from, how is it up-dated, how regularly it is up-dated, how long is it held for?
All Personal Data is initially recorded from a New Members Application Form. Members can view and maintain their own record or have an officer of the club make those changes.
Members and ex Members can request to view/edit their Personal Data and request its removal. This will be honoured with the exception of Club ID, First Name, Last Name as otherwise it would break the historical record of the club held on this website.

Is any Personal Data shared with third party people/organisations?
Yes. The Karabiner Mountaineering Club is affiliated to the British Mountaineering Council and we periodically check that our UK Member’s personal data held by them is correct and the appropriate corrections made were neccessary.

Where is your data held, what data do you encrypt/password protect?
Security is constantly being reviewed and updated.Our website is hosted at and all transmissions are via the HTTPS protocol. Passwords are protected and not readable should there ever be a data breach.

Do you have permissions from your members to do what you do with their data, when was that permission (consent) given?
The new member application form and subsequently on paying membership subscriptions each year, members give their consent for the club to use their data for the day to day running of the club. Also Members can opt-in/opt-out to sharing their contact details with other current Members at anytime. Members can fully withdraw their consent at any time but the club may no longer be able to manage their membership.

Do you have a data protection policy, is it adhered to, is it current?
Can be found at and is reviewed and updated regularly.


Privacy Notice

Copyright © 2018 Karabiner Mountaineering Club

Karabiner Mountaineering Club